gh attestation trusted-root

gh attestation trusted-root [--tuf-url <url> --tuf-root <file-path>] [--verify-only] [flags]


     Output contents for a trusted_root.jsonl file, likely for offline verification.

     When using `gh attestation verify`, if your machine is on the internet,
     this will happen automatically. But to do offline verification, you need to
     supply a trusted root file with `--custom-trusted-root`; this command
     will help you fetch a `trusted_root.jsonl` file for that purpose.

     You can call this command without any flags to get a trusted root file covering
     the Sigstore Public Good Instance as well as GitHub's Sigstore instance.

     Otherwise you can use `--tuf-url` to specify the URL of a custom TUF
     repository mirror, and `--tuf-root` should be the path to the
     `root.json` file that you securely obtained out-of-band.

     If you just want to verify the integrity of your local TUF repository, and don't
     want the contents of a trusted_root.jsonl file, use `--verify-only`.


--tuf-root <string>
磁盘上 TUF root.json 文件的路径
--tuf-url <string>
TUF 存储库镜像的 URL
不要输出 trusted_root.jsonl 内容


# Get a trusted_root.jsonl for both Sigstore Public Good and GitHub's instance
gh attestation trusted-root
