gh variable set
gh variable set <variable-name> [flags]
- 仓库(默认):可用于仓库中的 GitHub Actions 运行或 Dependabot
- 环境:可用于仓库中部署环境的 GitHub Actions 运行
- 组织:可用于组织内的 GitHub Actions 运行或 Dependabot
,--body <string>
- 变量的值(如果未指定,则从标准输入读取)
,--env <environment>
- 设置部署环境变量
,--env-file <file>
- 从 dotenv 格式的文件中加载变量名称和值
,--org <organization>
- 设置组织变量
,--repos <repositories>
- 可以访问组织变量的仓库列表
,--visibility <string> (default "private")
- 设置组织变量的可见性:{all|private|selected}
,--repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
- 使用 [HOST/]OWNER/REPO 格式选择另一个仓库
# Add variable value for the current repository in an interactive prompt
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE
# Read variable value from an environment variable
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE --body "$ENV_VALUE"
# Read variable value from a file
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE < myfile.txt
# Set variable for a deployment environment in the current repository
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE --env myenvironment
# Set organization-level variable visible to both public and private repositories
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE --org myOrg --visibility all
# Set organization-level variable visible to specific repositories
$ gh variable set MYVARIABLE --org myOrg --repos repo1,repo2,repo3
# Set multiple variables imported from the ".env" file
$ gh variable set -f .env